The Benefits of Collagen For Your Dog

Support your dog’s health with collagen!


We know that collagen is a wonderful component to get in our diets, as it supports hair, skin, nail, joint, and bone health — but how does collagen affect our dogs? Dogs can greatly benefit from the inclusion of collagen in their diets for optimal health and wellness!


The Vet Set sees a broad range of dogs — from various breeds to all different ages — and every dog is different. One thing that never changes is a healthy diet. Learn how to optimize your dog’s diet with collagen in today’s post!

Collagen, For Dogs?


People take collagen for many purposes and many have found it especially beneficial for joint health — and these benefits extend to dogs, too! Dogs age much faster than humans and face aging health problems, including spondylitis, osteoporosis, and tendonitis, which is why collagen is so advantageous to their health.  


What is collagen?


There are a couple different types of collagen and it is the most abundant protein in our bodies, namely, type one. Collagen is found in the digestive tract, bones, muscles, skin, blood vessels, and tendons. Collagen functions as the glue that holds our bodies in one piece, so it is vital to joint and tendon support. Collagen is the primary component found in dog’s skin.


Collagen is sourced from a variety of animals including cows, fish, and chicken.


How Collagen Can Support Your Dog’s Health


If your dog is older and a bit creeky or they have a lackluster coat, collagen may be the perfect nutrient to add into your dog’s diet.


Tendon and Bone Health


Not only is collagen the glue in your dog’s body, but it is also an essential building block for your dog’s connective tissues, cartilage, bones, joints, and tendons. Adding collagen to their diet not only improves their health, but it is also a preventative measure to ward off mobility and aging-related issues.


Osteoarthritis and Joint Concerns


Collagen has been shown to be beneficial in dogs who suffer from osteoarthritis and has also shown a decrease in lameness when dogs supplement with a collagen peptide. As dogs age, their connective tissues loosen and becomes more brittle — collagen can help lubricate and better prevent injuries such as torn ligaments, subluxations, and hip and elbow dysplasia.


Boosts Skin and Coat Health


If your dog suffers from skin irritations or a dull coat, collagen may be just the thing to add. The dermis is primarily composed of collagen and when it is fortified (with collagen) and then has a strong foundation for healthy skin and coat growth.


Supports Healthy Digestion


Does your dog have digestive issues or food sensitivities? Collagen is beneficial to better boost digestive health in dogs. Similar to people, dog’s can develop leaky gut syndrome, which makes them susceptible to autoimmune issues, behavior problems, and allergies. Soothe their gut with collagen.


Collagen is wonderful to add as both a therapeutic and preventative measure in dogs. Provide them with a better quality of life and better address joint, bone, skin, and digestive issues with collagen.


To learn more about collagen or to schedule a mobile vet appointment, reach out to us today!