Social Etiquette For Your Dog

Get out and about tips for proper dog etiquette!

As a dog owner, you likely enjoy taking your dog out anywhere they’re allowed — breweries, open-air shopping centers, and even on vacation — but as dogs are allowed into more places of business, it becomes increasingly more pertinent that they’re well socialized and can adhere to basic etiquette.

The Vet Set understands wanting to take your dog with you wherever you go — they’re your furry best friend! Learn more about social etiquette for dogs when they’re out in public in today’s post.


Social Rules and Etiquette For Dogs

Allowing dogs into a public place is a privilege, and just because they’re permitted, doesn’t mean that every dog should be there. You know the dogs — the ones that are constantly barking or bothering others when they’re out in public — these are the dogs that need better socialization before they set paw in social settings.

So, how should dogs behave in public?

Places of Business

Ask About Their Dog Policy

Before bringing your dog into a business, it’s important to always inquire if dogs are allowed. Your favorite local running or music store usually love seeing dogs, but a restaurant or grocery store, because of health codes, typically don’t allow dogs inside. Always ask if you can dine outside with your dog, but never assume that dogs are welcome.

Keep Your Dog Close

It’s also considerate to keep your dog on a short leash — you want them at your side sitting or laying down, and too much slack, and they can roam and bother other patrons. Long leashes can also pose as a tripping hazard that’s concerning for everyone around.

It’s also important to keep them out of aisles and walkways — it’s surly to make people squeeze past your dog or step over it, when your dog can easily lay under a table or sit right beside you.

Position Your Dog

When you’re not out and about walking around a business, it’s important that your dog either sits next to you or lies down. This demonstrates obedience and restraint, helping to keep everyone at ease.

Prevent Disruptions

A dog doesn’t have to necessarily remain silent the whole time they’re out — an occasional bark or whine is nothing serious — but persistent noise is invasive and disruptive. If your dog is unable to stay quiet, it’s time to leave that public place.

Be Considerate of Other People

You love your dog — everyone gets that — but you can’t expect others to share the same sentiment. If a person seems uncomfortable, be considerate and move away quickly. Or, if you’re at a restaurant consider moving tables to help set them at ease. Many people have different experiences with dogs, so be aware and accommodating to this, after all, you’re bringing your dog into a public human space.

It Starts With The Dog Owner

Dog etiquette can only happen with an informed and aware dog owner willing to put in the time and effort to keep their dog well-behaved in public spaces.

If you’re curious about our tried and true training approach or just need to schedule a wellness exam, schedule with our Carroll Gardens vet clinic today!