Keeping Your Furry Friend Protected and Cozy in the Winter (Part Two)

Have fun in the winter and keep your dog safe and protected.


In part one, we examined why the cold can be an issue for dogs and what puts them at risk. In today’s post, we’re getting to the meat of the conversation and exploring the tangible ways you can keep them safe and snug.


Carroll Gardens is quite chilly this time of year, so why brave the elements? Stay right where you are and let our mobile services come to you! And while you’re waiting, enjoy the best tips for protecting your dog in the winter.

And now…


Winter Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe and Protected This Winter!


Pay attention to the paws.


The paws are extra vulnerable in this season because they’re subject to not only the cold and snow but also to the treatments that are put on the roads and sidewalks.


Protect their paws by doing a few small things including:


Keeping their feet groomed – Trim the hair around and in between the paws. When their hair is short and out the way, not only are they easier to clean it makes them it easier to monitor.


Using a protective balm – A protective balm can do wonders to their paws! Apply a balm before they go outdoors for an additional layer and use it indoors to keep them supple and to support healing to any cracked or dry paws.   

Invest in dog boots – There is a myriad of reputable companies that make dog boots for dogs, and while your dog may not take to them right away, over time they’ll find comfort in the extra protection the boots provide.


Be considerate of the time of day you go out.


Try and get all your major activity in during the daytime and when the sun is out. Going for walks in the dark is cold — for both of the dog and the owner! Not only are the temperatures a little warmer in the daytime, but the sun also helps to melt and clear snow and ice.


Create a cozy place for your dog to relax.


Ensure your dog has a nice, comfortable spot to rest. Sleeping on the floors can be cold (especially if they’re wood) in the winter months, so ensure their comfort with a nice bed with blankets if need be.  


Be conscious of where you pile your snow.


If you live in an area with a small porch or even a yard, if you shovel your snow into the same area storm after storm, it can build up and create the perfect escape route for your dog. Instead, find different places to shovel snow and cross your fingers the temperature heats up to melt some of it!


Ensure they’re staying hydrated.


Summer or winter, dog’s can still become dehydrated. And, even if they’re eating snow when they’re out, this doesn’t always make up for what fresh water they are drinking. Always make sure your dog has access to clean, fresh water whether they’re indoors or not.    


Wintertime in Brooklyn is picturesque and even enjoyable when you and your furry friend are prepared. Relish in the cold weather, while keeping them protected and cozy.


To learn more about our mobile vet services, reach out today!