Inspiring Tips For Being The Best Dog Owner

Are you ready to embark on puppy pawtrol? Being a good, responsible dog owner takes more than you think!

Furry friends are irresistible — they’re cute, cuddly, and they always have the best attitudes, which makes them some of the ideal companions in our lives. But, there is a large gap between loving your dog and being a responsible dog owner.

At Vet Set, we are Carroll Gardens’ premier vet clinic and we treat a myriad of animals, including the ever-effervescent and uber cute furry variety! Take a moment with us today and learn more about what it takes to be a responsible dog owner that goes beyond the basics.

Beyond Food, Water, and Shelter: # Tips To Become The Best Dog Owner

Owning a dog is not only a joy and a freedom we have, but it also takes a great deal of responsibility. The tips below can elevate your puppy parent game or guide you towards being the best you can be — for your furry best friend!

Consider Your Lifestyle

Dogs not only require physical activity, but they deserve an owner who is present. It can be selfish to get a dog to quell something in you, only to leave them home alone a majority of their lives.

So, consider what kind of lifestyle you have. Are you single or partnered? This will play into how much attention your dog receives and if the duties can be split.

If you’re single, what kind of hours do you work? Do you work from home or are you gone more than eight hours a day? This gap of time is not only lonely for a dog, but it can spark behavior issues if they start to get bored.

If you can take your dog to work, that’s wonderful — they’ll get the interaction and attention they warrant.

The takeaway — if you’re gone more than you’re home, getting a puppy is probably not a good lifestyle fit.

Grasp the Commitment

As a future dog owner, do you realize the commitments that are involved? It’s not only feeding, watering, and picking up their poop, it involves a significant emotional, financial, and time commitment to help your dog thrive.

What if your dog requires surgery or breaks a leg? You have to be able to financially accommodate these issues. And, your dog needs exercise and daily walks to keep them sane (just like us) which takes time from your, perhaps already, hectic schedule.

Adopt a Dog That Fits Your Lifestyle

There are different breeds of dogs that fit well into various kinds of lifestyles. For example, if you’re a runner a pug may not make it through your long runs — but a Weimaraner might!

Or, if you’re more of a couch potato yourself, a Bichon Frise would fit right in!

Doing a little is important when figuring out a dog that will meld with your life. Make a list of the breeds you like, and find some information on their demeanor — from here you can better recognize the the needs of the dog and yourself.

Being a responsible dog owner is much like being a parent — it’s a long term investment! You have to cater to their physical and emotional wellness, in addition to backing them with financial support to feed, shelter, and take care of their needs. There are many more tips we have for you, so stay tuned for part two!

Part of your obligation of being a pet parent is making sure their health is in tip-top shape. Vet Set is your resource for wellness check-ups, vaccinations, and pet emergencies in the Carroll Garden area — connect with us and schedule your appointment today!