Halloween Safety For Your Dog

Keep your dog safe and healthy this Halloween!


Halloween is one holiday where local vet clinics are packed as a result of dogs and cats who give their owners quite a freight on this spooky day! It’s important to practice safety with the food and costumes that come with this holiday to avoid a hazardous Halloween! 


Halloween can be a delight and at The Vet Set, we love seeing the cute pics of all of our furry friends dressed up and participating in the festivities. Learn more about Halloween safety for your dog in today’s post!

Halloween Safety For Your Dog


Between all the sweet treats and cute dog costumes, there is some room for your dog to get into a little trouble, so below we’ll address some of the common health hazards we see on all Hallows Eve and how to better prevent them. 


Halloween Treat Safety


While dogs can eat most foods, there are some ingredients they should stay away from. 


Chocolate – Chocolate is the number one thing dogs should absolutely not eat, though the temptation to get into it is high around Halloween! Ensure that your dog does not get into the Halloween candy by placing it high enough so they can’t get to it or in a closet or pantry. It smells so good and inviting, but dogs don’t know the difference and will gladly eat a whole bowl if left to it!  


Candies and Gummies – The largest concern with candy other than chocolate, is candy with the artificial sweetener xylitol. Xylitol is a sugar alcohol that is toxic to pets and showing up in a variety of candy. What’s difficult is a product that contains xylitol doesn’t have to be labeled as sugar-free and more and more it’s showing up in treats. When you purchase your Halloween candy, peruse the ingredients and see if it contains xylitol — if it does, take the same precautions as you would with chocolate.


Raisins – Some folks like to hand out the little boxes of raisins as an alternative to all the sweets, but just be aware that grapes and raisins cause health problems for dogs and can even provoke renal failure in dogs. 


Hard Candy – Hard candy doesn’t seem like it would be an issue if there is no chocolate or xylitol, right?! Well, we’re sorry to say that even hard candy is a risk for dogs. If they consume it in large quantities — which happens when left to their own devices — it can clump in the intestines or stomach and create an obstruction. 


If you want to treat your dog this Halloween, the best course of action is to make your own Halloween treats or find some goodies at your local pet store. And, as always keep the Halloween candy and sweets out of reach of your dog!


Halloween Costume Safety


Dressing dogs in costumes has become quite the event over the past couple of years, and while most costumes are safe for dogs, there are some safety precautions to take. 


Costume size – It’s important that you find a costume that fits your dog just right because a costume that is too small can cause breathing restrictions and one that is too big can cause them to trip and fall. Either way, an ill-fitting costume can be uncomfortable, not to mention, hazardous to your dog.  


Costume accessories – It’s important to keep your dog’s costume relatively simple, meaning no extra accessories. Things like necklaces can be a choking hazard for your dog, and even masks can block their ability to see clearly. So, use accessories for fun pictures, but ditch them if your dog has to do any kind of walking or moving around. 


Make this Halloween safe for your dog!


With a little extra precautions when it comes to treats and costumes on Halloween, you can enjoy a boo-tiful holiday with your pooch.   


If you have questions about Halloween treats or just want to send us a cute Halloween pet pic, connect with us today!