Does Your Dog Have a Dry, Itchy Winter Coat? Try These Remedies! (Part One)

Winter can be brutal on our dogs’ coat — read about the best natural remedies to keep them healthy and itch-free.


Just like humans, dogs can suffer from dry, parched coats in addition to flaky patches and cracked pads during the winter months. And while most of these issues can be handled at home, it never hurts to have a vet take a look at their skin irritations.    


The Vet Set in Carroll Gardens is your local vet for all of your pets needs — from pet immunizations to preventative care — we’re here to keep your furry friends happy and healthy. Learn the best natural at-home remedies that are vet-approved in today’s post!

Dog Skin Irritations


Skin irritations are very common in dogs and can result from a host of issues including environmental factors, food allergies, and bug bites, and if you’ve ruled all of these concerns out at the vet, it may just be what’s right in front of you — the cold, harsh winter weather.


Below are some easy ways to treat dry skin on dogs, and best of all, they’re natural and most of it you may already have in your home!


Coat Sprays For Dry Skin


Sprays are an ideal dry skin solution for immediate relief. So, if your dog is itching and scratching and just looks flat out miserable, try a couple of these coat sprays.


50/50 mix of apple cider vinegar and water – Apple cider vinegar is good for so many things, not only our salads! It has amazing anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that you can dilute and spray directly onto your dog’s itchy, red areas. Mix a bottle of one cup apple cider vinegar and one cup water to your dog’s coat or irritated paws. Keep in mind not to use this on any open wounds or raw skin as it can be extremely uncomfortable and may make the issue worse.


Essential oils – Mixing a spray bottle with soothing essential oils such as lavender, frankincense, or helichrysum, is a great way to combat dry, red, and itchy winter skin. Add fill a spray bottle up (at least one cup) with water and add five to six drops of essential oils.


Green tea and chamomile – Brew a strong batch of green and chamomile tea (steep for upwards of 15 minutes), let cool, and transfer to a spray bottle. Spray on your dog’s coat, paying attention to any extra irritated areas.


You can even treat your dog to a nice soothing bath when you add this mixture to the bath water. Let them soak for five minutes or so (as long as you can get them, really) for the best results.  


Oatmeal Treatments


Just as oatmeal is soothing to us, the same is true for dogs. You can go out and buy colloidal oatmeal packets or you can make your own by grinding into a fine powder, plain oatmeal.


If your dog is a sucker for a nice warm bath, add the powder to the water and have them soak in it or rinse their coat, sprinkle the powder and massage it in, let it sit, and then rinse!


From coat sprays to oatmeal treatments, there is a remedy out there that will be helpful to combat your dog’s dry and itchy skin this winter!


Do any of these remedies sound enticing? Not only are they easy and accessible, but you can also enjoy them too! We have another list of at-home remedies to treat your dog’s winter coat, so stay tuned for part two!


For more information about our mobile vet services or to schedule an appointment at our animal clinic in Carroll Gardens, connect with us today!